Hannah Feltham - Alaya Yoga - Online Yoga Studio

Hannah Feltham


Hannah Feltham was born in Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Labrador, Canada. Her background is primarily in dance, however, it was while she was training at the The Ailey School in New York City that her passion for Pilates and Yoga began. When she experienced low back pain for a short period of time, she sought physiotherapy in NYC and they told her that her core needed strengthening and to give Pilates a go. Understanding the mechanics and the benefits it had on her body, assisted her dancing immensely. She wanted to dive deeper into the method and received her Pilates Mat Certification through Linda Farrell in NYC.

After graduating from the The Ailey School, she began teaching in NYC with New York Optimum Performance as an Independent Contractor. She also taught at the Savitri Studio on the Upper East Side run by Jessica Cadden Osborne as well as YogaWorks. Hannah landed a job performing in Osaka Japan at Universal Studios and was there for two years and she was a guest teacher with lululemon in Osaka. In her second year, she became interested in getting her 200 RYT Yoga Certification through the Vancouver Sky Studio under the guidance of Yu Slater.

She has discovered an amazing appreciation for both Pilates and Yoga, as the two methods have benefited her as a professional dancer.

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